Each day Snohomish County 911 handles approximately 1800 police, fire and medical-response calls from their 32-position consolidated PSAP. Two agencies, SNOCOM and SNOPAC, merged in January 2018. To promote unification and cross-team communication, Snohomish made changes to the physical environment. Learn why Watson Consoles is part of their solution.
Easing change
Consolidation is not easy. It requires a change of location (for at least one team), centralizing technology, and blending agency cultures. And, it can take several months to complete which can be stressful on dispatch teams.
As part of the consolidation, Snohomish County 911 identifies two notable challenges they hope to overcome: 1) they need to add positions to an existing space and 2) they want to create a neutral and welcoming environment for both teams.