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eMercuryPro-018_StorageDoubleCupholderMercury Pro Console with integrated storage and a dual cupholder
eTiaPrv-015_OfficeB_CoverWatson Furniture's Tia Office
eZoOffice_005_Offices_PrivateOfficeWatson Furniture's Zo Office
iMercuryPrd-095_WirelessChargingFinalWireless charging feature
eMercuryPro-016_Island 2024_C (1)Storage and accessory options including the Tonic Trolley, Work Island, and Etch Markerboard
eSevenMtg-008_FlipRectTrap2Watson Furniture's Seven Flip Tables
eTiaMtg-013_Boat2Watson Furniture's Tia Conference Table
eMercuryBase-004Mercury Base Console
eMercuryPro-028_CommandMercury Corner & Command Console
eMercuryPro-024_ZoneLockersRev2024_HiRes (1) (1)Zone Lockers
eMercuryPro-023-Personal+AisleStorageMercury Pro console with personal and aisle storage options
eMercuryStandard-005_QuenchMercury Standard Consoles
FabricCornerFabric Corner for Mercury Base, Standard, or Pro
MultiuseLockersDispatch and Control Room Storage: Day lockers in a dispatch center
StationMercury Pro Console
AisleStorageDispatch and Control Room Storage: Hub-mounted aisle storage in a 911 Dispatch Center.
BillingsMontana911-1Control room plan with over 10 consoles: A mid-sized 911 Dispatch Center configuration
CableBridgeDedicated raceways for power and data cables in a dispatch console cable bridge for Mercury Base, Standard, or Pro
TechBridgeFanOutletsFans to actively cool technology for Mercury Base, Standard, or Pro
EnergyChainLiftingColumnsSteel lifting legs and an energy chain to manage cables under a dispatch console for Mercury Pro
DispatchDeskHubInteriorView of the interior of a console hub with data distribution for Mercury Pro
USBPortsandPowerIn-dash data for charging personal devices for Mercury Pro
DispatchDeskHubExteriorView of the exterior of a dispatch console hub with power distribution for Mercury Pro
TechCabinetOpenFansOutboard technology cabinet with cooling fans to keep technology running at optimal temperature for Mercury Base, Pro, or Standard
EnvironmentalControlsPersonal environmental controls for task lights, cool air, and heaters for Mercury Pro
AmbientLightPro Console with Ambient Light on for Mercury Standard or Pro
SlatRailMonitorsSlat Rail Monitor Array with articulating arms for individual monitor adjustment for Mercury Standard or Pro
EnergyChainWorksurfaceCableMgmtView of cable management with the worksurface pulled out for focal adjustment for Mercury Pro
CableMgmtIn-dash cable management for power and data for Mercury Pro
RearDashPowerRear Dash Power and cable management for Mercury Pro
911EMSFire311View of a large OUC: Large Office of Unified Communications, over 150 stations