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We are passionate about designing and manufacturing sustainable dispatch workstations that endure 24/7 shift work for a decade or more. Our love for the environment is certainly inspired by the beautiful place we live. Our commitment is evident in how we work and the products we choose to share with you.


Practical Environmentalism

Practical Environmentalism is an aggressive pursuit to minimize impact on our planet and it guides the design and manufacturing choices we make. It also guides how we work. Watson teams maintain a disciplined structure of environmental and financial accountability, and perform regular audits to improve materials selection and waste disposal practices.

You may already be familiar with how our product design and manufacturing processes reflect Practical Environmentalism, and less familiar about how that philosophy carries into the typical Watson Consoles' workday

Our work spaces

Within our office spaces, we "design-in" opportunities and processes that reinforce our commitment to do better by the earth. These specific choices inspire each of us to take notice of our actions and develop a deeper understanding of the associated consequences. Here are a three examples of processes we have "designed-in."


Paper Handling

The administrative areas contain large recycle bins and smaller trash bins as a reminder that each item we dispose should be considered first for recycling. Operations and administrative support teams are encouraged to maintain digital files when possible. We have embraced cloud-based docs sharing and storage to increase collaboration with reduced dependency on print materials. All printers default to two-sided printing.

Within the Watson Consoles' factory, small, operations-related scrap is sorted into bins marked with the type of items to be disposed and the associated cost for disposing, or recycling, each material. The signage provides all Watson employees a clear guide for which materials can be recycled . In addition, and in support of our top-down commitment to fiscal responsibility, it creates awareness of the costs associated with disposal practices.

Currently, we divert 93% of would-be waste from the landfill to applicable recycle vendors. Check out this blog to learn more about our commitment to waste reduction.


Annual E-cycle Event

Watson holds an annual e-cycling event at our headquarters. This event was initiated several years ago in response to feedback that it is difficult for employees to locate appropriate recycling sites for specialty items including computers, appliances, florescent bulbs and batteries. In addition to providing employees a convenient and free recycling option, the Watson maintenance and IT teams align their equipment inventory and testing to take advantage of the e-cycling event.

The 2018 employees recycled 3, 424 lbs worth of small appliances, equipment and hard-to-recycle items.


Energy Performance

Our building was designed for efficient use of space and to take advantage of natural light. Both the administration and factory areas operate with maximum energy efficiency year-round with the help of energy-efficient lighting systems, ductless heating and cooling, full loft ceiling insulation, heat pumps and heat reclamation processes. The image at left shows the lighting retrofit in progress.

Three ways to up your PSAP's impact

On average, employees in the United States spend more than 90% of their time inside "artificial environments" - home, work, commerce. With so much time spent indoors, there's ample opportunity to institute recycling and energy-efficiency programs. Here are three ways your PSAP can be a part of the change.

1) Recycle

Recycling is actionable and the impact is measurable. Did you know that approximately 16% of landfill solid waste is comprised of paper that is eligible to be recycled? And in offices, it is estimated that 45% of paper printed each day ends up in the trash by day's end. That means you can shift some burden away from our nation's landfills. Begin small by making recycling bins easy to access. Label them clearly with acceptable recyclables. And get people excited by starting a recycling competition with another municipal agency in your area.

2) Swap bulbs

Many energy providers offer incentives including rebates and multi-year savings when you swap incandescent or florescent bulbs to LEDs. Check with your electricity vendor for details or start with these websites:

3) Localize environment controls

The battle of the thermostat and the light switch are well known among PSAP teams. In addition to providing personalized comfort control, agencies may save on heating/cooling, and lighting costs long-term by providing environment controls at each dispatchers workstation. Choose workstations with energy-efficient appliances.

Talk to and collaborate with your team members to gather their ideas for how your organization can go green and be more environmentally conscious in the workplace. Getting input from your [team] will allow them the opportunity to embody and embrace [a] new mission and goals.

- 10 Ways to Encourage an Environmentally-Conscious Workplace


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